Wednesday, July 23, 2008

MORMS SSG Sergeants-at-Arms hold Orientation

SSG Sgts.-at-Arms, and Kalinisan Brigade Team Chairmen Jan Christian Gregorio and Angelica Olaguer called for a meeting of Sergeants-at-Arms of all classes and the CAT Facilitators to orient them with their duties and responsibilities as enforcers of Ordinance No. 1, s. 2007 (AN ORDINANCE PROMOTING CLEANLINESS IN THE SCHOOL PREMISES; ORGANIZING AN AD HO COMMITTEE FOR THIS REASON; REWARDING OUTSTANDING ADVOCATES; IMPOSING SANCTIONS TO VIOLATORS; AND REPEALING ANY ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT). The orientation was held on July18, 2008, 3:00p.m.

The provisions of the said ordinance and other duties and responsibilities of enforcers will be elaborated on the First General Assembly, which is tentatively scheduled on August 1, 2008.

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